2012년 4월 22일 일요일

Seoul YWCA News in April, 2012

Y-teen Board Members Training, March 17th

The next leader of Seoul YWCA, Y-teen board member's train was held on 17th, March. 20 members of club board from 12 clubs made discussions on Y-teen conference programs of 2012. They learned Seoul YWCA's mission, history, main activities of 2012 and how to progress the meeting as a basic skill for board members. Also took a class about piece with north Korea from Woosung-Yu(North Korean defector, action officer of Seoul government welfare policy department) so that they could understand more about YWCA's main agenda of 2012, 'Piece and Share'. It was a good opportunity to know reality of north korean teenager's human rights and to grow their global citizenship.

Former General Secretary of YWCA of New York, Insook Hong visiting Seoul YWCA, March 12th

Former General Secretary of YWCA of New York, Insook-Hong visited Seoul YWCA. She studied Theology in Yonsei university, worked as an Program Coordinator of Community Development Department and Main Officer of General Affair Department. After on detached duty at Daejeon YWCA, she crossed into New York and established YWCA of New York progressing independence of local YWCA in U.S. She introduced recreation and religious education program for various class and 'elephant real estate agency' and bazaar for fund raising. Especially, she started staff's morning worship for strengthening their spirituality and this meaningful time is still going on. She attended 90th anniversary celebration of Seoul YWCA. In her congratulatory speech, She advised that Seoul YWCA should develop into change-making women's NGO which try to care women and teenager's social issues constantly.

School Violence Prevention Education for Students, Parents and Teachers, March 2nd-30th

Gangnam Youth Center undertook school violence prevention education at 8 schools-Gwan-ak middle school, Gook-ak middle school, Daemyung middle school, Eonju middle school, Yumgyung middle school, Seongil middle school and Guryong elementary school- for 3,000 students, parents and teachers during March.

Worship by Movie with Minister Jeongwan Ha, March 9th

At Friday noon, Seoul Y had an worship with move 'The Bucket List' and meaningful speech about 'Will you be happy?' which gives us message from the movie in context of Bible.

International Marriage Migrant Women's Cook Club, March 9th

Bongcheon Social Welfare Center launched international marriage migrant women's cook club 'YoriJori'. This club is the meeting that International marriage migrant women share their Korean recipe and learn Korean cuisine with Korean women for 2 times in a month. At first day, 9th of March, they introduced each other and made teams. We expect many women from various countries come together, cook and exchange culture and their life in Korea.

Elementary Students Experience Slow Food, March 10th

Gangnam Youth Center and 31 elementary schools' students visited slow food village in Yangpyung, Gyunggi-do. They took part in making 'Tofu' with millstone, barley snacks and picking strawberries. It was good time to experience old type cooking.

Seongdong Youth Committee had New Member Interview, March 10th

Seongdong Youth Center held an interview with independent organization committee's 7th committee members to strengthen youth facility running and teenager's social empowerment. Seongdong youth committee, 'A-Se-Man' is an independent organization working for teenager's rights like policy suggestion, etc.

Newly Appointed Board Members Training, March 13th

Seoul Y trained newly appointed board members Younhee Kang(Gangnam Youth Center) and Hyeyoung Han(Women Resources Development Department) on 2012. With direction of Yeonbae Lee(President of Seoul YWCA), they learned YWCA's charter, organization, business programs, main activities, history and board member's code. Also they had train about committee's management and activities for being a qualified board member.

Creative Study Guide Program for Kids, March 6th

Yeongduengpo Women Resources Development Center held a free briefing session about new program before opening the class. Anyone who are interested in right education or being teacher of After school, home school and so on could participate in the program.

SNS Education for Seoul YWCA Staffs, March 22th

Seoul YWCA had a SNS education course from Ungkyo Jeong(President of Nara E-business).
We expect to provide swift communication with society and information exchange.
Seoul Y facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ywcaseoul

Seoul Metro's Citizen Reform Committee

Tell the Condition of Metro from Women's Point of View

Seoul YWCA's Activity as a Metro reform committee

Seoul YWCA is appointed to Metro reform committee through a recommendation of the Seoul government. Metro reform committee is a monitor group including civil servants and citizens. They conduct civic monitor on condition of metro to make better environment. The group is composed of Seoul metro, Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corp., Korail, traffic policy managers of Seoul government and nine citizen members.

This committee has monitored new-built Police hospital station, old Jong-gak station and major transfer stations like Express bus terminal station, Jamsil station or Eol-ji-ro 4th station for eight time in two months. The check list includes convenient facility, information&sign, advertisement and fire&emergency equipment. Especially, as a behalf of women citizens, Seoul YWCA takes charge of improvement point for women.

Speak out women passenger's voice

First of all, Still lack of seats for pregnant women even there are for the handicapped, the elderly and pregnant women. it is necessary to make more space for maternity women. Also too many structures and advertising signs obstruct passages causing inconvenience for elderly and children. Advertising panels should undergo an inspection before installed in terms of size fit, brightness and so on. Another problem is environment of crowded stations as a transfer or underground shopping center. Shops' stocks are all over the passage and air is also stuffy. This kind of environment is not only danger but also unhealthy especially for the infirm.

"This activity is interesting than being hard. We can figure out many problems that people just might allow." manager Misun-Han from Public restroom etiquette union said.

Monitoring: Make a real change !

Citizen reform committee's members find this work worth making practical changes from their participation. We expect more pleasant and comfortable metro environment. But it leaves something to be desired. The women's participation. Only 3members were women out of 20 members and Seoul YWCA was the only women's organization. We will keep taking part in gathering citizens voice and being messenger of it.

2012년 4월 20일 금요일

Peer counseling club, Peace Maker

We will make a world with no friends suffering from loneliness

Friends are the most comfortable people to talk to

Who do you think teens want to talk to when they have a problem? The answer is a friend. They consider their peer group so important that they would like to identify with the group. Having an easy access to the lives of the youth, a trained teen counselor is believed to exert a positive effect on his or her peers. That is why we created Peace Maker, peer counseling club in the Gangnam Youth Center, hoping that it will serve as a helpful 'buddy' who tries to find a right solution together by giving them a empathic ear and advice.

Starting with cyber peer counselling

In 2007, Gangnam Youth Center recruited the first members of Cyber Peer Counselling Club, and created a cyber bulletin for counselling. Ever since, it has been operating 'peer counselling' corner. Also, it has provided consistently the club members with training and held case study meetings in order for the club member to reply to the questions posted at the 'peer counselling' on web site operated by School Violence Prevention Center. In addition, the club publicized the types of youth's anguish, the need for the attention along with effective solution to the matter by means of an eternal campaign . In 2009, the club had its training program called 'Project Love for Heart of your friend' registered as Youth Activity Certification Program N.590 and this made it possible for the club to run more actively.

Evolving school violence prevention watchman

In 2012, the club's focus is on creating schools without violence. With school violence at issue in recent years, another role of the club is newly planned in an attempt to eradicate desolate and brutal school culture

This year, the members of Peace Maker had meetings five times already. 23 young people completed the training program, 'Project Love for Heart of your friend' and passed the interview. They will be the guide to make their life happy in adolescent period. The first meeting was an orientation. In a second meeting, a lecture on school violence prevention was given by a police officer, supporter for schools in Gangnam-gu. Moreover, Peace Maker members will take MBTI test to find out their psychological inclination and visit to Aha Center for Youth Sexuality to receive overall education on sexuality.

Peace Maker in the spotlight

In December 2011,a suicide due to school violence caused to produce and broadcast many TV debate programs on the issue. On December 20th last year, the club members attended as audience EBS TV program called 'Great Debate on School Violence'. As social concern about school violence increases, so does the interest in peer counselling and relationship recovery programs. And this brought more attention to Peace Maker ; the club was even introduced in Sisa Q, bi-monthly magazine for the adolescents in its February issue . Having learned counseling techniques through the club activities, a student from the club left frequently reply messages on the multiple counseling sites with her supervisor monitering her replies . As a result, she got an early admission to the Department of Psychology in Ajou University by getting credit for her counselling activities from admission officers. Peace Maker acts as a good virus for youth. We send prayers and cheers to Peace Maker members who serve as watchman for teens' genuine happiness in our society.