April 9
Praise Worship on Easter at Friday Service for Office Workers
Many office workers got together to celebrate Easter and attended the praise worship led by Rev. Minho Lee.
Annual Spiritual Training for Y Staff
Staff of the Seoul YWCA spent meaningful time during its annual spiritual training on 9-10 April. Rev. Sunghwan Cho preached a sermon entitled 'Spirit, Creativity, and Communication'.
Gangnam Youth Center: Science Experience Program: Spiders like water?
Many children and youths visited the Spider Museum and Hangang Ecological Park for science experience program.
Charity Bazaar for Raising Social Welfare Fund
The Seoul Branch of the Social Welfare Foundation of the National YWCA held the charity bazaar sponsored by Heonyoung Lee's Fashion. Seoul YWCA appreciated to those joined bazaar.

April 15
Bongcheon Welfare Center: Mobile Dental Clinic for the Elderly
In cooperation with the Seoul Clinic, Bongcheon Welfare Center offered the free dental service for 44 poor elderly.
Approval Ceremony for Y-Teen and Y-Youth Groups
The Youth Department hold the approval ceremony for Y-Teen and Y-Youth groups and rendered certificates to 283 youth members of Seoul YWCA.
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