Member's Day event took place by Department of Membership Management with 70 members of Seoul YWCA on September 25. Participants could have an opportunity to learn more about Seoul YWCA and understand Y's visions and dreams.

Participants could experience YWCA's various program briefly. Line dance, one of the representative physical education classes, make women's body healthy. EM(Effective Microorganism) class made us think about environment protection.
While the event is going on, participants could look around exhibition on YWCA's sharing movement at home and abroad. They had lunch together talking with other members and wrote some messages to YWCA to hang it on a tree.
Yoon Soo-jin, a member who visited YWCA building for the first time, said, "I became a member of Seoul YWCA because my colleague recommend me to be a member. And it has been 3 years already. I could learn much about YWCA and I am really proud of that I am a part of YWCA."
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